celonis stage screen

Lead generation for Decacorn Celonis

Demand generation and expansion of thought leadership position.

The task

For Celonis, one of the leading providers of process mining software, we were asked to support the generation of leads with targeted online marketing measures.

The solution

After analyzing the target groups and their customer journeys, we worked out target group-specific topics to generate demand. Based on this, we developed online marketing campaigns that were broken down into a media plan and implemented by creating landing pages, visuals (banners, data visualization, etc.) and social media posts. In addition, targeting via newsletters, content (blog posts, postings) and webinars underpinned the company's thought leadership position. Through careful implementation and continuous optimization, a double-digit percentage reduction in cost per lead was achieved during the campaign.

Screenshots of Celonis landingpages
Social Posts on mobile
Visualization of Celonis product by SNK
Social media Ad Celonis for Webcast designed by creative agency SNK
Screenshot of Landingpage for B2B Whitepaper Download